Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ivy's Latest Acting Gig

Once upon a time, Ivy couldn't shake her cutesy image in theatre. She has over the years played parts such as Shirley Temple, Peter Pan, and Duffy the spunky orphan in "Annie".

But a strange thing happened when she hit (appropriately enough I suppose) 18. Suddenly she was playing roles like Abigail Williams in "The Crucible", and Eponine in "Les Mis." (okay technically I guess you could call Eponine spunky, but she IS a tragic character who dies in the arms of her unrequited love.)

Now we have Ivy, the college years. As previously discussed, Ivy has taken on a number of unusual roles in college. She's appeared on stage in a dog collar and a burka. She's played a topless butch lesbian, a rebel opposed to plastic surgery. In short, she has taken on some really challenging parts in the last few years, and I believe has now completely shed her "good girl" image.

I believe this based upon the following casting news. Today, Ivy calls and excitedly tells me she has been cast in another show at UCSC. The show?

"The Vagina Monologues."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha! And yet you're still so proud of her aren't you? Congrats on that wonderful role!