Thursday, May 26, 2005

Weekly Address May 27, 2005

Back by popular demand, it's your Big Sandy Bottom Weekly Address

Yes, it's true! Some people actually miss the Weekly Address. Ever eager to please, I humbly provide the following:

So-what's up here at Big Sandy Bottom?

  • Well, Eric fell down the stairs, broke his arm and insists that his doctor told him he was a "sissy" if he wore a sling.
  • Ivy attended what I HOPE will be her final prom. C'mon, she's almost 20. Time to leave the prom behind. (Oh well, at least she isn't like her mom, who got in a couple of extra proms via the "five year plan".)
  • Bo Bice should've won "american idol".
  • "LOST" is the best show on TV, but if they don't give us some more info quickly, I will be "LOST" to them as a viewer. Anyone else get the feeling they're just making this stuff up as it goes along? And quit with the kid-menacing.
  • We have tickets to "WICKED"!!! Thanks Dave!
  • Olivia continues to be the most popular girl in the sophomore, junior and senior classes, everyone's "favorite freshman." Perhaps one of these days she'll make a friend from her OWN class.
  • Did you know we have six cats? How did that happen? Okay, one of them has moved in with the neighbors, and another just hides under the bed all the time...still, if they had to go to the vet, who is responsible? US! So we have six cats, but only receive the "benefits" of four.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Okay, so I'm an idiot and I can't figure out how to post to the "old" big sandy bottom blog.

That's okay, because this NEWER! MORE IMPROVED! bigsandybottom will be even more AWESOME than the previous stinky old version... Trust me-you'll be BLOWN AWAY by bigsandybottomovitch. Only the coolest, most amazing people (plus you) will be invited to join this exclusive website.

Now, please excuse me while I try to come up with something interesting to post here.