Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Major Award Alert!

Yes, another one!

So this is kinda funny...

Day before yesterday, we get a notice from UPS, saying they tried to deliver a package but it required an in-person signature. No clue on what the item was other than the sender was "Parks Production."

Being the OCD type that I am, I immediately went to the UPS site and tracked the package to see what I could find out. Not much info there, other than the originating zip code is Pontiac Michigan. I go to my online sweeps site, can't find anything that looks like it could match up with the tiny clues I had.

So I spent all day today fantasizing...what could possibly be coming to me from Michigan, that requires an in-person signature? I mean, I couldn't just sign the freakin' little slip they left and have them leave the package. A real, in-person signature...must be something REALLY important.

I decide it's a car. No, not an ACTUAL car being delivered. But maybe an affidavit, saying I won a CAR!! Woohoo!

Anyway, so tonight the UPS truck pulls up and I race outside (tripping over several cats in the process), sign for the damn package and rip it open right there.

Are you ready? Can you feel the excitement building?

I won an autographed DVD of Doogie Howser, Season 1.

Yup, it's all mine. Who needs a car? I have Doogie.

I am sort of tickled that I won this prize with my writing skills. I actually don't remember what I wrote, but the premise of the contest was "Doogie Howser-the lost years." You were supposed to write a computer diary entry, ala Doogie, that took place between 2004-and 2005. I know that my Doogie entry was dated September 12, 2001 and I know that it was REALLY cheesy, but then so was Doogie, right?

And I don't know how many people entered, but I was in the top 16 entries-I was 15 places away from winning the grand prize (a trip to the Emmys, 500 bucks and some Doogie swag.)

Oh well, another prize I probably won't be able to sell on ebay.

I think it might make a good christmas gift for Dave though...

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