So the first thing to announce is that Ivy's blood clot (we like to call it "Clotty") is apparently just a uninvited visitor, kind of like Aunt Sue. All her tests came out just fine, she doesn't have some mysterious blood disease or anything. What caused Clotty's arrival is still unclear. I of course have been doing endless internet research, which is really never a good idea because no matter how much good news I find, I always stumble upon the worst possible case scenario and end up completely freaked out. My research led to the following exchange between Ivy and I:
Me: Okay, so you know that if you get a fever, you need to go the doctor immediately, right?
Ivy: Yes, Mama.
Me: And if you start coughing up blood, don't ignore it. Get to the emergency room right away!
Ivy: (long pause) Generally, coughing up blood isn't something I'd ignore, blood clot or not.
A kinda funny thing that's come out of this whole episode is what I believe is my first opportunity to make a totally inappropriate joke about Ivy. I know, for a normal family it doesn't sound like much fun, but perhaps Ivy may appreciate that I view her as adult enough to make the following joke at her expense: persons who get blood clots shouldn't take birth control pills, and air travel can also be a problem.....
(Wait for it)
I think this may mean that Ivy will never be a member of the "mile-high club". Ha ha ha.
Eric got me the best Valentine's Day present ever. CHEESE. Yeah, yeah he also got me some nice smelling lotion and a pretty candle. But he got me CHEESE. This is a man who knows what I like.
Further evidence of my insanity (like any proof is needed): I'm planning another Disneyworld trip, for June.
Eric suffered a grievous injury in our garage. He came upstairs, limping pitifully. When questioned, he showed us a large bruise on the arch of his foot. He claimed that while in the garage, he stepped on a ceramic duck. I was skeptical, and asked for more detail on this ceramic duck, because to my knowledge no such duck has ever lived here. A little later, he came back up, proof in hand:
The vicious ceramic duck:

It's difficult to assess the scale of this little beautie from the photo, but it is approximately 2" long. I'm not doubting that stepping on it hurt. It's just CLEARLY not a ceramic duck, but a mere plastic albatross. (Bonus points for those who can name this albatross, it's an animated character from a Disney film)
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