- Do not go barefoot in my garage unless you enjoy stepping on recently decapitated gophers. And their teeth.
- Ivy is completely fearless. Hence her topless appearance in an upcoming play at UC Santa Cruz.
- Veronica Mars is a really good show.
- Apparently you're never too old for "playdates." Olivia and Mike spent today coloring and watching Disney films-swear to god. I have the refrigerator art to prove it. Whatever happened to good old making out on the couch while the parents are out of the room?
- My coworkers are NOT to be trusted for restaurant recommendations. This is one that I keep forgetting about, so I'm writing it down as a reminder to myself.
- Also, apparently you're never too old to have a bad dream and sleep in your mom's bed. Just when I think Olivia doesn't need me anymore...Very sweet, AND she rarely wets the bed now so it's a much more pleasant experience for all involved.
- If you're looking for something to read, I suggest "Lamb" by Christopher Moore.
- Aformentioned fearless topless girl likes to freak me out, just for kicks. How else to explain the following, COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT AND UNEXPLAINED STATEMENT, contained in a recent email from Ms. Ivy: "I have an insurance question- I had to have an electrocardiogram and the health center is charging $67 for it." Now I need an electrocardiogram myself, thank you very much.
Otherwise, that's it for now. It's been relatively quiet and right now that's exactly what we need!
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