Tuesday, September 06, 2005

No One Mourns the Wicked....


So the family ( Dave) saw "Wicked" a couple weekends ago. Very cool show, great cast and general all-around fun. Although, the purists among us (ahem. that would be me.) were truly dismayed by the ending. Even though I knew it was coming, I was still outraged at the very idea that the Wicked Witch of the West (here's the spoiler-don't read any further if you don't want to know) DOESN'T die. Hunh? What a cop-out. If you've read the book "Wicked", or even if you've just read or seen the "Wizard of Oz", you know the witch has to die. I guess everyone loves their "very own happy ending." Except me.

Anyway, we still had a great time and Ivy wore her award-winning prom dress and cape (much to Olivia's horror) and the girls hung around the stage door to meet the cast and get autographs.
Afterwards, we invented a new game to play when we go out with Dave: guess how long it will take him to pull out his Terra Nova High School student ID card, circa 1974. This time he didn't even make it through lunch...

Ivy's new apartment. She shares the upper right apartment with Stephanie and Ashley. Pray for the people of Santa Cruz

Ivy moved into her apartment this weekend, after we spent 5 hours and an ungodly amount of money at IKEA. They have a cute place, sort of early Californian bungalow style with crown moulding and lots of weird little nooks and windows in closets and stuff. The neighborhood, as you might expect from Santa Cruz, (home of the fighting banana slug, motto "no known predators"), is a little eccentric. Just for instance, one of their neighbors has apparently found a new and improved way to curl her hair. She had her hair rolled up with empty green bean cans, and empty tomato sauce cans. At least, I think they were empty. Inventive...I didn't get to see how her hair turned out though...

On Friday, I spent another Friday night clubbin' in downtown Oakland with Olivia and Co. I finally met Mike's parents. Cross your fingers that they were so charmed by me they will now allow Mike to come visit us, for a change. I am getting just a little bit tired of driving to the "dub-C" as they call it. This time I brought my earplugs but didn't get to use them because I was so busy being smart and witty and trying to send off "I am a responsible parent" vibes to Mr. and Mrs. Parvizi. Still, the earplugs came in handy in an unexpected way: on the drive home, the girls decided to try them out and I guess the absence of noise calmed them or something because they all promptly fell asleep. This meant that I didn't have to listen to their music on the radio. Always a good thing, especially when Kelly's around.

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